
I live in Phoenix, Arizona, which means I live in the blazing hot bowl of garden-baking bowl death.

It also means I live in a place where I can squeeze three growing seasons out of my 15′ by 24′ garden.

So, should my posts seem strange to you, it is because you live somewhere where it “rains”–whatever that is.

Or worse: somewhere where it *shiver* …snows.

8 Responses to Garden

  1. Sparkles says:

    Yeah, snows. *shiver* who does that!?!

  2. Mary Ann says:

    How can you grow? Do you have a deep watertable?

    I just found your blog tonight, you go, girl! Will read it regularly!

    Mary Ann at Calamity Acres

  3. Lisabeth Olson says:

    Oh what fun, new babies are fun I don’t care from which critters they come.
    Yeah, we are frozen now and my dairy cows are having trouble getting to the barn. Oh for flat ground!
    Happy New Year
    You might like to know I found you through Suzanne McMinn. She is such a good source for everything, isn’t she?

  4. BettyKay says:

    Rain & Snow…..I have plenty….just ask & I will send it all that way! 🙂 Seriously, would love to stay down there with you all during the winters up here! Aymee says every year, “Mom, LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!” lol

  5. YOU LIVE IN PHX? I live in ShowLow! Up here even tho not so hot, our soil is crap. It takes years to make good soil for good growth. I do planter boxes above ground. I hopped over from Chickens In The Road, dont ya just love that site?

  6. joycee says:

    That would be me, in Arkansas. Last week we had 14″ of rain and this morning, well it was 37 degrees. Everything is so green you need sunglasses but you can’t plant a thing until June and the growing season ends in September. Arizona sounds pretty nice to me!

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