Random Ugly Chick

See Icelandic Chick.  Look at Laree’s scary man-hands.

See weirdo feathering on Icelandic Chick.

See Laree name ugly chick “Squeaky Toy” because it looks like a dog has been chewing on it.

Watch Icelandic Chick peck out Laree’s eyes.

This poor chick might just end up being called “Fugly”.  After consulting my chicken-genetics experts, it appears she has the feathering gene called “fray” or “stringy” or something like that.

You can read about nerdyboringrandom chicken genes here.

Since there is nothing physically wrong with her, I don’t need to cull her.  However, since the fray is undesirable and can make it difficult for her to stay warm on those three cold days next winter, I won’t be breeding her.  Instead, when she grows up, she is going in the laying flock to run with the workin’ girls.

I’ll post more pictures when she feathers out fully.  Expect more ugliness.


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6 Responses to Random Ugly Chick

  1. kassiel says:

    Shabby Chic(k) ?? 🙂

  2. sparkles2307 says:

    It IS rather um, ugly…

    Name it Fraggle.

  3. pdx2phx says:

    Fraggle Rocks!!!! HAHAHAAAA hahah hah. ahem. *cough* 🙂

  4. Algae says:

    Holy crap, that is a FUGLY chicken!!!! *makes note to not get into Icelandics*

  5. Orchid says:

    When I saw the title of this, I thought I’d open it to find pictures taken at Wal-mart…

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