Autumn Pear Crisp

OK, I’m just going to come clean right out of the gate.

This recipe was a total accident, and the “crisp” part failed, but I didn’t know what else to call it.

So, there you have it.

On the upside, it tastes so good I wanted to lock myself in my room and make out with the pan whilst ignoring my family’s pleas for “just a little piece!?!”….. *burp*

It makes excellent breakfast, by the way, when your ealize you’re out of milk for cereal and the bus is en route.

You’ll Need:

pears, any kind, about 7-8 cups
(I left the skin on mine, they have a very thin skin.  I halved and then sliced thinly and laid in the pan)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 c sugar (I used 1/2 c sugar due to the pears being pretty ripe)
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
3/4 c flour
3/4 c brown sugar
3/4 c rolled oats
1 stick butter
1/3 c chopped pecans for topping

Mix all into the pears and bake at 350F for 35-45 minutes.

Did you figure out my flub yet?

Well, I was out of butter, apparently when people USE my reserve butter from the freezer they don’t TELL me we need more butter.  So, my crisp topping mix was a flop.  I sprinkled it dry on top of my pear fililng, but about 20 minutes into baking I could tell it was a mess.  I pulled the pan out and stirred it all together into a cake batter type blob and then topped it with chopped pecans and a little more brown sugar.  Finished baking it and it was AMAZING.

So, for the first time in mylife a cooking fail came out not-too-bad!

About sparkles2307

All about me. Well, you’ll learn a lot about me just from Laree’s comments. She’s got a good read on me. We’re “soul sistas” who’ve never met, but that doesnt matter, cause we’re peas in a long-distance-pod.
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3 Responses to Autumn Pear Crisp

  1. Robin says:

    I love pears. I love pears cooked up in autumn [crisp or not crisp] goodness. YUM.

  2. Southernbelle says:

    I don’t have any pears, but I’m thinking an Apple Crisp might be in order today – that looks good!

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